Appreciating the people in your life

Appreciating the people in your life

It can be easy to take your partner and the people in your life for granted. We are all so busy that we may not take the time to appreciate the people around us. To help get you started, we’ve compiled some ways you can show your appreciation to those that matter most in your life.

Too often we’re focused on negative feelings such as frustration and resentment, which can lead to arguments. On top of that, it can sometimes feel uncomfortable to express positive and caring feelings.

When was the last time you told someone you appreciated them?

To help get you started, here are some ways you can show your appreciation:

  • Tell the person you appreciate them, often
  • Pay full attention to what the person is saying
  • Think about the person’s positive qualities and tell them you’ve noticed
  • Help out with organising something the family has to do
  • Share household chores
  • Take turns cooking or cook together
  • Willingly participate in activities the person has organised
  • Give a simple gift that has meaning for the person (it doesn’t have to be expensive)
  • Say thank you even for the little things.

Here is one last tip. If you are finding it difficult to express your appreciation for someone else, why not practice on yourself first? At the end of the day think about what you have achieved (it can be something really small). Once you start to feel comfortable, try it out on someone else.

Feeling genuinely appreciated can help to build a healthy relationship so give it a go.

Content has been created by MensLine Australia. To view more information about MensLine Australia click here.

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