Check Ins For Everyone #
# Healthcare

Supports healthcare professionals in fostering greater understanding, tailoring support, and improving patient outcomes.


Supports healthcare professionals in fostering greater understanding, tailoring support.


Supports healthcare professionals in fostering greater understanding, tailoring support.


Create regular check in routines on what matters most in your life, all in the one place

Our brands

Step Up

Track your physical and mental health journey


Support young people on journey, build confidence, become job-ready


Clear view of wellbeing for students, teachers and you

WA Driver Training

Track driver training progress to help obtain or retain licenses

No Stress M8

Reducing workplace stress

Connect, reflect and take action with iyarn

Get the real time data you need to spark powerful conversations

Connect, reflect and take action with iyarn
The best tool to accompany googl
23h ago

Simply brilliant! - This tool has been key in showing my clients and their teams how far they've come, mapping their growth and journey and showing management

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The best tool to accompany googl
23h ago

Simply brilliant! - This tool has been key in showing my clients and their teams how far they've come, mapping their growth and journey and showing management

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The best tool to accompany googl
23h ago

Simply brilliant! - This tool has been key in showing my clients and their teams how far they've come, mapping their growth and journey and showing management

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The best tool to accompany googl
23h ago

Simply brilliant! - This tool has been key in showing my clients and their teams how far they've come, mapping their growth and journey and showing management

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Connect, reflect and take action with iyarn
About iyarn
Our Purpose

Building deeper interpersonal connections by bridging the human and digital disconnect through accessible software solutions.

Our Why

In today's digital age, people often feel disconnected from genuine interpersonal connections driving loneliness. iyarn bridges this gap through software that fosters meaningful conversations and improves health.

Our Values
๐Ÿค Connection

Always strive to facilitate genuine and meaningful connections that lead to deeper interpersonal connections.

๐Ÿง˜ Integrity

Always act with integrity and do what you say youโ€™re going to do.

๐ŸŽ‰ Recognition

Recognise and celebrate the great work of our team and community.

๐Ÿš€ Challenge

Challenge the status quo, donโ€™t always accept the answer no โ€œbuild a bridgeโ€.

๐Ÿซ‚ Community

Support those around us to build a better community for all.

๐Ÿซถ People First Design

Always consider humans at the centre of our product.

Our Story

Lockie Cooke, iyarn's founder, had a unique opportunity to live with the Bardi Jawi people in the Kimberley. Over the years, he formed a close bond with the community and was culturally adopted by the Ejai family. Lockie was inspired by the tribe with people of storytelling to maintain connections with each other, their land, and their culture, which ensured everyone felt purposeful. This concept of connection through storytelling became the foundation for iyarn.

Go Deeper on what problem is iyarn Solving? Bridging the Gap Between Human Connection and Digital Solutions
๐Ÿ‘Ž Isolation in a digital world

- People feel isolated despite digital connectivity, lacking meaningful interactions and support.

- Negative impacts on mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.

๐Ÿค” Lack of effective tools

- Businesses, schools and social service organisations lack comprehensive tools to monitor and improve well-being.

- Fragmented platforms make it hard to gather actionable insights.

๐Ÿ™ Data disconnection

- Organisations struggle to integrate data to understand well-being trends and to enrol the community.

- Missed opportunities for early intervention and proactive care.

The total costs associated with the problem iyarn aims to address are estimated to be around $100 billion annually in Australia.*

First Nation Advisory Team

Dwesmond Wiggin Dann

Dwesmond Wiggin

Nolan Hunter

Nolan Hunter

Danny Ford

Danny Ford

Barbarah Bynder

Barbarah Bynder

Toni Skeen

Toni Skeen

Our Partnerships
Software Partners
Technical Partners

Why it is important

iyarn, plays a crucial role in addressing the modern challenges of isolation, ineffective digital tools, and data disconnection in a world increasingly driven by digital interfaces. These platforms strive to mend the significant gap between digital convenience and genuine human connections, which is essential for mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.

By providing innovative solutions that facilitate meaningful interactions and integrate data for comprehensive insights, iyarn not only enhances individual and community well-being but also tackles the broader economic impact of these issues.

These efforts reflect the understanding that nurturing relationships and ensuring effective communication are foundational to thriving in personal and professional realms, aligning with research that highlights the importance of human connections for happiness and survival.

What is for? (team believe in big mission)
Sustainable Development Goals

FlourishDx helps companies work towards the following SDGs.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

# #

Your Privacy and the protection of your information is critical for our organization. We monitor and comply with privacy legislation and regulation around the world to provide a service you can trust.

โœ… HIPAA Compliant
โœ… GDPR Compliant
โœ… CCPA Compliant
โœ… APA Compliant
Our Information Is Secure
Under Leading Compliance Standards

We utilise industry best practice encryption models to protect your information at rest and in transit.


ISO27001 Certified in the international standard for Information Security Management.


Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication Enabled for security and ease of use.


We offer a choice of data hosting region backed by AWS or Microsoft to keep your data where you want it.

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