iyarn Yarn #10 X Scott Wilson – Entrepreneur, Creative & Mental health Advocate

iyarn Yarn #10 X Scott Wilson – Entrepreneur, Creative & Mental health Advocate

Scott Wilson

Scott is a Gooniyandi and Gadgerong man from Broome, Western Australia. He graduated from UWA in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Anthropology and Indigenous history and heritage studies. Scott is currently managing his time engaging with various youth organizations in Sydney and Melbourne, including Year 13, Aurora Education Foundation and an Australian Youth Advocate for Mental Health (AYAHM) with Headspace. Furthermore, with a passion for storytelling and creative arts he has created a company called, Ice Cream Productions with various projects as illustrator and writer in a comic/cartoon series and in film. He spends his spare time illustrating, watching films, hanging with friends and exploring with hopes of stumbling across something rare.

Scott has a profound belief in the power of imagination…

“Imagination is everything, it is a preview of life’s coming attraction. It is the evidence of things not seen, a glimpse of what can be your reality if you choose, everything I have imagined has been manifested through belief and persistence.”

Check out our yarn with Scott on the podcast:


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