Adrian Hondros – The value of iyarn as a tool for leaders and individuals

Adrian Hondros – The value of iyarn as a tool for leaders and individuals

Adrian Hondros has been part of the iyarn app product development since its inception and shares how effective it can be as a tool to create a framework to check in on ones life and then simple be able to share with others.

Check out the short video below to hear Adrian talk about the value iyarn can bring for leaders and individuals to check in on peers:

Adrian Hondros is a successful leader in financial services & construction with over 30 years experience. With responsibility for operations in Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Adrians passion is to lead organisations to success through motivating colleagues towards strategic goals. I have deep experience in transitioning and growing organizations with change management being a strength.

He also believe in the power of extraordinary customer focus to drive a range of positive outcomes.

Adrians key leadership experiences include MD of Godfrey Pembroke Financial Consultants, GM of NAB Financial Planning & NAB’s Private Bank, CEO of St Andrew’s Australia and EGM of CBA’s Private Bank while being Chair of the Board & Investment Committee.

On October 3rd 2016 Adrian started a new stage in my career as CEO of Porter Davis, a builder of quality homes where we believe in “respect the dream” of our customers. Porter Davis are know for design, style & quality and build in greater Melbourne, Geelong and South East Queensland. Porter Davis also license our designs to Eden Brae Homes in Sydney and so is an East Coast builder.

Adrians main intention in going to Porter Davis was to show you can successfully transition across industries and that the principals of successful leadership are universal.

Adrian recently stepped down from the Porter Davis leadership role after 5 years as CEO and now plays a role on several executive and advisory boards.

Since 2017 Adrian has been an Independent Director of CBHS. We are the private health insurance fund looking after 200,000 members who are mostly employees, former employees and family members of Commonwealth Bank.

Prior to Adrians Board experience with CBHS he was a Director of Commonwealth Bank’s Group Super employee’s superannuation fund. Adrians time with Group Super included membership of and Chairing of the Investment Committee.

For more information

If you’re interested in learning more about how iyarn can help empower leaders and boost employee engagement and wellbening, contact us at or check out our case study with Teachers Mutual Bank and Joris Cuesta.


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