Check Ins for Workshops and Conferences – New iyarn Feature!
The team has been hard at work and have recently rolled out our newest feature: check ins for workshops and conferences!
iyarn’s new ‘public wheels‘ are a fast and easy way to do check ins for conferences and workshops. Find out more below.

Public wheels have been designed for public occasions! Get data on the status of a group in a lightning fast check in.
An Example of a Public Wheel
The Penrith Business Community has been enthusiastic early adopters of these new check ins. They built a check in to help them understand the health of the local business community and better target their services and resources.
A demonstration of the check in is below.

A handful of clicks, and Penrith CBD Corporation and the Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce had useful data from members of their community.
Simon Gould, from the Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce had this to say:
At Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce we’re excited to be working with the Penrith CBD Corporation and iyarn to check in on our local businesses to see how they’re coping in the current climate. iyarn has given us a way of connecting with them quickly to get a feel for how they’re travelling at the moment so we can implement systems and programmes to help fill in any gaps that are identified. It’s quick, totally customisable and can be done anonymously so it’s totally non threatening to respondents. I feel iyarn has the ability to deliver real outcomes for organisations of all kinds in the private and public sectors.
How does a Public Wheel work?
These public wheels are a new option when you’re setting up your wheel.
Simply select the ‘public’ option when setting up the wheel. Choose your segments and add a description if you want.
Once enabled, you can send the link to anyone. If you’re presenting live, use a QR code to the link or broadcast the link on stage.
Any attendee can complete the wheel in a few clicks… no sign up required, no log in required. Their data is recorded anonymously.
The whole process is quick and easy.

It’s Quick and Easy to Set Up a Check In for Workshops or Conferences
Try it yourself!
We’ve set up a quick, easy check in for R U OK? day using the new public wheel feature: no login or signup is required and all data is anonymous.
Button not working? Take the R U OK? Check In here on the iyarn app.
If you’ve already got an account, you can use this new feature right away. Open the app on your mobile or sign in to the desktop app, and start a new wheel.
If you haven’t got an account, sign up for our free version and get started right away.
This feature has been added for all users.

iyarn Supporting Conferences: Spark Festival
We’ll be sponsoring Spark, an independent, grassroots festival for thriving new economy businesses. The community is large and strong: startups, investors, SMEs, big corporates and innovators at every stage are all invited. Spark is all about connecting founders and building community, two things close to the heart of iyarn.
Spark Festival 2020 will run, online, from October 12 – 23. We look forward to seeing you there!