Connecting Over 100 Coffees

Connecting Over 100 Coffees

How does 100 coffees sound?

Chris Hope, founder of the 100 Coffee Concept, used 100 new coffees to connect with 100 people over 100 weeks.

Connecting through Coffee

2016 was a bad year for Chris. He lacked purpose, positive relationships and most of all – connection. Having always centered himself around human connection, this disconnect had a profound impact.

“One of the main things that has changed since I was younger is that people value convenience over connection. We use the self-checkout at the supermarket. We order our shopping online. We want food delivered to the door.”

So Chris embarked on his journey of 100 lattes in 87 different cafes across seven countries.

Every Coffee Matters

Each new coffee brought new lessons (even if the lesson was just – not to go out for coffee with that guy again). Most importantly, Chris learnt how others managed to stay rooted to their values.

For Chris this was a powerful experiment to connect with people from different walks of life and branch out of his comfort zone.

How do you Connect?

We ask you how could you possibly connect deeper with others? or connect with different people beyond the surface… can you do this with loved one, friends, people from your sports club, or a homeless person.

Sometimes we have the intention to connect deeper though just don’t know how the hell to do it… this is why iyarn can be a powerful tool to use to go deeper with loved ones.

Try our app to facilitate a deeper yarn with a buddy. Over time, it will become easier to go deeper as these communication muscles grow and develop.

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