Go Deeper with Your Check In

Go Deeper with Your Check In

The theme of this year’s R U OK? Day campaign is “are they really ok?”. It’s a call to go a little deeper when you check in.

We’re taking a look at tips for how you can go deeper with your check ins. Like they say, a conversation could change a life.

Go Deeper When You Check In

Nominated for Australian of the Year for his groundbreaking work with youth, Dr. Arne Rubinstein explains how he goes deeper with check ins by following the GOLDEN rule:

G – Going

How am I going overall?

O – Occupied

What have I been occupied with?

L – Liked

What have I liked? What is going well?

D – Difficult

What’s been difficult?

E – Excited

What am I excited about? What is coming up that I’m looking forward to?

N – Need

What do I need? What support do I need? What help do I need in my life?

Listen to the full podcast between Dr. Arne Rubinstein and iyarn founder Lockie Cooke here.

iyarn: The App for Checking In

We’ve built iyarn to help you check in, in your personal life and your professional life.

Check out our great guide for going deeper with your check in:

Use iyarn’s web app if you’re on a desktop or download the app from App Store (for iPhone) and Google Play (for Android)

Set up a wheel in a few clicks and then share it to the people you need to check in with.

iyarn is great as it can form a habit for checking in!

Tips to Make the Most of a Check In

iyarn is all about unlocking good, honest conversation between people.

In general, tips for using iyarn as a spark for conversation are:

  1. Talk about the positives.
  2. If people are comfortable, talk about the negatives. This might take some time.
  3. Talk about progress over time.
  4. Talk about actionable next steps that’ll help to improve ratings.

Take the R U OK Day Check In

We’ve set up a quick, easy check in for you for R U OK? Day using the iyarn app: no login or signup is required and all data is anonymous.

Button not working? Take the R U OK? Check In here on the iyarn app.

This is a quick and basic example of a check in. Additional features are available on iyarn once you’ve set up an account, including saving your data and setting up your own check ins.

Good luck!

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