How to Implement iyarn in Your Community Organisation

How to Implement iyarn in Your Community Organisation

iYarn is an app that’s been built to help people connect to themselves and others. It’s an app that supports groups to develop their own skills to connect and support each other.

iyarn is well suited for community organisations to encourage discussion and connection with your members or constituents.

Get Help to Spark Deep, Honest Conversation

An iyarn check-in is a catalyst for conversation.

iyarn encourages check-ins on a customised set of criteria, known as ‘wheels’. These wheels are easy to set up and share.

Depending on your community organisation, you can customise a wheel to focus on efforts to:

  • Check in with members during lockdown or when meetings / gatherings are impractical
  • Improve the culture of the group
  • Drive progress toward a specific goal
  • Assess how your organisation is going with a group of beneciaries

As an example of a general check in, here are six criteria that might get your members talking:

  • Collaboration – are we working together effectively?
  • Contribution – are we creating the opportunity for you to contribute?
  • Impact – do you feel like we’re having an impact?
  • Health – are you fit and healthy?
  • Mental health – are you feeling ok?
  • Friends – are you staying connected to your friends and family outside our group?

Once the wheel has been created, simply share the wheel to the members you want to check in with.

They can log in themselves or the club can prompt them to add some data. It’s really quick and easy to complete these check-ins.

iyarns data input

This data quickly builds up. It’s useful for personal reflection, but the primary reason for doing these is as a discussion point with your connections in your community organisation.

With some readings in hand, you’ve got a starting point for conversation. It’s a vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting members of your group to share their views.

iyarn lets you build you own wheels and get connecting with the people you care about. The app has 50+ suggested criteria and the ability to choose custom criteria. It’s totally up to you.

If you’re a leader of a community organisation, iyarn works fantastically with one-on-one catch ups between you and key volunteers. Pair iyarn with WhatsApp of Messenger video calls, and you’ve got a tool for keeping engaged with your club, even in self-isolation and times away from the pool.

Tips to Make the Most of iyarn

iyarn is all about unlocking good, honest conversation between people.

In general, the tips for using iyarn as a spark for conversation in clubs are:

  1. Talk about the positives.
  2. If people are comfortable, talk about the negatives. Note this may take some time.
  3. Talk about progress over time.
  4. Talk about actionable next steps that’ll help to improve ratings.

Get Your Members Talking

It’s easy to set up an iyarn ‘wheel’ to check in with members to see how they’re going.

If you’re the first in your club, login and build a wheel by downloading the app from App Store (for iPhone) and Google Play (for Android) or use iyarn’s web app if you’re on a desktop. Set up a wheel in a few clicks and then share it to the people you need to check in with.

You can watch the iyarn intro video over here. If you want help to implement the free app with your club, reach out to iyarn.

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