Introducing 60+ New Support Resources for Schools

Introducing 60+ New Support Resources for Schools

We’re excited to announce that our online resource hub is now brimming with over 60 new support resources tailored specifically for students and teachers.

Browse the resources for schools here.

Resources for Students of Every Age

Our newest resources cover a spectrum of topics tailored to each student’s age group – whether they’re in primary or high school. From “How to Make Friends” to “How to Make Homework Easier,” these resources are crafted to provide insights and tips to navigate the ups and downs of school life. Depending on the results from a student’s check-in, they will be recommended articles that are tailored to their needs.

Lesson Plans for Teachers

Our resources for teachers not only include articles about “Tips for Teacher Wellbeing” and “How to Foster a Growth Mindset in your Classroom,” but they also include ready-to-go and age-specific lesson plans. These plans will help our teachers facilitate conversations to address the unique needs and challenges of their students. They delve into practical strategies and give teachers a toolkit of best practices for fostering social and emotional learning.

We hope you are just as excited about these resources as we are and can’t wait to hear how you implement them into your classroom!

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