R U OK? Day 2024: How to Ask ‘Are you OK?’

R U OK? Day 2024: How to Ask ‘Are you OK?’

Each year, R U OK? Day serves as a powerful reminder that a simple conversation can make a significant difference in someone’s life. By reaching out and checking in with those around us, we can help prevent isolation, offer support, and foster a sense of connection. It’s about staying connected and being willing to ask the question: Are you OK? It’s a simple, yet crucial step in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of friends, family, colleagues, and even ourselves.

But asking the question is just the beginning. How do we make sure the conversation is genuine, supportive, and impactful?

Practical Tips for Asking ‘R U OK?’

Starting a conversation about mental health can feel daunting, especially if you’re unsure how to approach it. Here are some tips to ask ‘R U OK?’ in a way that feels natural and supportive:

  1. Choose the Right Moment: Find a quiet, private moment where the person feels comfortable to talk. If they seem distracted or rushed, it might not be the best time.
  2. Be Genuinely Curious: Approach the conversation with genuine curiosity. It’s not about checking a box, but about showing that you care.
  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: After asking, “Are you OK?” follow up with open-ended questions like “How have you been feeling lately?” or “What’s been on your mind?” These questions invite deeper responses.
  4. Listen Without Judgment: Your role is to listen, not to fix. Show empathy by being present, maintaining eye contact, and avoiding interruptions.
  5. Offer Support, Not Solutions: Sometimes, the person just needs someone to listen. If they’re open to it, you can offer support like helping them find professional resources, but don’t feel like you need to have all the answers.
  6. Check Back In: The conversation doesn’t end after the first check-in. Follow up later to show that you’re still there for them.

Start the Conversation with iyarn

This R U OK? Day, we encourage everyone to start meaningful conversations and check in with those around them. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert to ask the question or to offer support. Sometimes, the most important thing you can do is listen.

To help guide these important conversations, try using iyarn’s customizable templates and check-in wheels. Whether it’s a simple chat or a more in-depth discussion, iyarn can help structure your conversations, making them more impactful and supportive.

Download iyarn and make checking in part of your everyday routine—not just on R U OK? Day, but all year round.

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