The Gift of Connection: Celebrate the Holidays with iyarn’s New Feature

The Gift of Connection: Celebrate the Holidays with iyarn’s New Feature

We’re excited to introduce our new feature that will allow you to stay up to date with those you love, even during the busiest time of year. Introducing the Accountability Buddy feature! 

Christmas time is known as the “most wonderful time of the year,” but in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, maintaining meaningful connections can be a challenge. Not only is iyarn here to help you stay mindful and present during the holidays, we’re here to help you stay connected to the people who matter most to you. 

Now whether you are close to friends and family during the holiday season or miles apart, you can stay connected through iyarn. You can share your festive goals, whether it’s spreading kindness, staying active, or practising gratitude and your chosen Accountability Buddy will be able to see your progress and celebrate your victories with you.

Additionally as the new year approaches, we know it’s a time of resolutions– whether it’s sticking to a fitness routine, pursuing a new hobby, or simply maintaining a positive mindset, an Accountability Buddy ensures you’re not alone on your journey. Did you know that studies have shown that having an accountability partner can increase users’ likelihood of achieving your goals by 65%? That’s the magic of the Accountability Buddy. It’s not just about the check ins; it’s about creating a support system that propels you forward.

This Christmas, unwrap the gift of the new Accountability Buddy feature. Elevate your connection game, share your holiday goals, and make this season one to remember in a world that can sometimes feel disconnected. Personal growth should be a joyous and shared experience.

Happy holidays!

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