Revolutionising the Road Ahead: Wunan Foundation and iyarn Unveil New Online Driving Hub

Revolutionising the Road Ahead: Wunan Foundation and iyarn Unveil New Online Driving Hub

Kununurra based Aboriginal organisation, Wunan Foundation, has partnered with iyarn, Sydney-
based application development organisation, to launch a new website, aimed at providing culturally appropriate driver training education to help individuals obtain or attain their drivers licence.

The Wunan Driver Training website aims to deliver high-quality training and education that is tailored to the unique needs and cultural backgrounds of each individual to retain and attain their motor driver’s licence (MDL).

Michelle Bailey – Corporate Services General Manager of Wunan Foundation – explained that the idea to collaborate with iyarn came from collaborative engagement with local Aboriginal people and stakeholders to address potential barriers faced by learner drivers including mental health, social and emotional wellbeing.

“Having a driver’s license has numerous social, emotional, and civic benefits. From a social standpoint, it provides individuals with the freedom and independence to go where they want, when they want. It can also enhance their prospects of entering the workforce or achieving career progression and can increase civic participation.

“At Wunan Foundation we believe having good social and emotional wellbeing can greatly benefit individuals when obtaining a drivers license. That’s why we joined forces with iyarn, whose ethos is to enable purposeful social and emotional wellbeing check-ins, and provide a safe place where individuals can flourish at any activity.”

The partnership between these two organisations is a significant step towards providing a comprehensive range of services to meet the needs of learner drivers.

“When we first heard from Wunan Foundation about the Driver Training Program, we jumped at the opportunity to collaborate,” said Lockie Cooke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of iyarn.

“We knew it would have a positive impact on the local community, helping individuals to improve their driving skills, increase their chances of passing the MDL test, and enhance their emotional and social wellbeing.”

The website is set to launch in February, 2023 and provides easy enrolment access, mental health & wellbeing check-in services and access to localized support including referrals to headspace Kununurra, Kununurra Jobs & Skills Centre and Wunan Financial Wellbeing Hub.

The Wunan Driver Training website initiative is supported by the Government of Western Australia, Department of Transport.

To visit the website:

For media enquiries please contact Charlotte Dickie, Marketing and Communications Manager, Wunan Foundation on 0432 806 041 or

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