YouthCARE’s White Label Deal

YouthCARE’s White Label Deal

Over the past nine months, our partnership with YouthCARE has been incredibly rewarding. We’ve witnessed the completion of a considerable number of check ins in schools, and numerous chaplains have utilised iyarn to support student wellbeing. Building on this success, YouthCARE has invested in a white label solution of iyarn. This white label solution will allow YouthCARE greater ability to customize iyarn to match their brand and company’s needs. We’re thrilled to introduce YouthCARE’s new platform…iReflect! YouthCARE will be implementing iReflect in public schools across Western Australia to support student wellbeing.

Here’s what a school leader has had to say about the success he’s seen from using iyarn:

“Since launching iyarn, we have been able to give students a way to easily track their wellbeing and mental health. Our students have embraced this resource and can see the value in understanding their own strengths and areas for improvement that it highlights...we are now beginning to see students empowered to improve their overall health as well as having important data that shapes how we can best support our students.“ -Year 12 Head of Year

As the new year starts, YouthCARE will be training their chaplins and offering the product as part of their pastoral care offering to the 700+ schools they work with. Together with YouthCARE, we are excited to see iReflect support students, teachers, and chaplains across Western Australia.

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