iyarn Yarn #12 X Mike Dyson – Rites of Passage Facilitator & Founder of Good Blokes Co

iyarn Yarn #12 X Mike Dyson – Rites of Passage Facilitator & Founder of Good Blokes Co

Mike Dyson

Mike Dyson is a Rites of Passage facilitator with a passion for reframing mental health and masculinity in a positive light. As founder of Good Blokes Co, Mike provides places for men and boys to connect better and to explore a better way to be a bloke amongst the shifting modern landscape of manhood and masculinity. Good Blokes Co facilitate father son camps, mother son camps, mates camps, rites of passage camps and men’s gatherings that help men to become the best they can be for the benefit of themselves and everyone around them.

Mike is also a senior facilitator with the Rites of Passage Institute on their Making of Men camps in Northern NSW, delivering profound experiences of connection and growth to teenage boys and their fathers. He also works with schools around Australia on rite of passage programs such as the groundbreaking On Queenslea Driveprogram at Christ Church Grammar School.

Mike believes that men around Australia are keen to explore what a brighter future for blokes might look like and how mateship can be a force for positive change. What they desperately need is more spaces to have those open, honest and real conversations.

Check out our yarn with Mike on the podcast:


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